by Jessica Iriarte | Apr 22, 2020 | Completions, Data Analytics, Data Integration, Data Science, Industry Insights
The topic of fracture-driven interactions has been among some of the industry’s top headlines, perhaps not in the last several weeks but certainly in the previous year, if not longer. Whether you call it frac hits, frac bashing, well interference, or fracture-driven...
by Carly Wolfbrandt | Apr 16, 2020 | Completions, Data Analytics, Data Science
Data Science – the term is everywhere and for a good reason. With more and more data being generated every minute, it is imperative that companies adopt technologies like data science to store, process, and analyze that data. Everyone uses the term, but how many...
by Emily Siegel | Mar 27, 2020 | Completions, Data Analytics
Using frac data to spot trends and improve outcomes Though the booms and busts of the industry are often tied to economic and geopolitical forces beyond our control, we at Well Data Labs are firm believers in taking advantage of these slowdowns to innovate and improve...
by Emily Siegel | Dec 16, 2019 | Completions
The end of the year is coming – you can’t avoid it! Dissecting your 2019 business data, regardless of what industry you’re in, is crucial for a strong start in 2020. By now, you’ve most likely evaluated the past year’s performance and are finalizing budgets and...
by Nick Soutouras | Nov 13, 2019 | Completions, Data Science, Real-Time Frac
The Intelligent Oilfield. It’s a term we commonly hear discussed in boardrooms, at conferences, in industry journals, on blog posts, and in other media. While the oilfield is becoming increasingly intelligent, that intelligence is hindered by a lack of something...
by Emily Siegel | Oct 1, 2019 | Completions, Data Science
Garbage in, garbage out. The quality of information coming out of a system can never be better than the quality of information that was put in. It may sound sort of like one of Newton’s laws of physics, it’s not. But at the very least, it’s an always relevant guiding...