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Garbage in, garbage out – how bad data can fuel bad decisions
Garbage in, garbage out. The quality of information coming out of a system can never be better than the quality of information that was put in. It may sound sort of like one of Newton’s laws of physics, it’s not. But at the very least, it’s an always relevant guiding principle for anyone who uses and analyzes data. Actionable analytical insights rely heavily, first and foremost, on having clean, structured data. This is, of course, much easier said than done in the reality of scientific research and business operations. Organizations often lack the time and/or resources needed to be manually digging through and manipulating vast quantities of data. read more…

How to free yourself from watching your frac job
Completions Engineers are busy people. Whether they’re working in a van in the field managing a frac job or sitting in an office at headquarters, the modern Engineer is faced with a growing stream of responsibilities vying for their attention. With this ever-increasing responsibility comes the increased risk of something being missed. Whether it’s a frac hit, an under-stimulated stage, or a screen-out, the cost of missing a valuable piece of information is growing. read more…

The Digital Oilfield – Then and Now
Much has been written about the digital oilfield, just Google it and you’ll get pages of results. The term has been around for nearly 20 years, and we thought it would be fun to provide a high-level overview of what it means and assess where we are in terms of progress. There is a list of several resources at the end of the post if you’re interested in reading more. Or just Google it!
Ok, let’s start with defining “digital oilfield.” Essentially it is a concept within the oil and gas industry that intersects technology, data, automation, and people. In its simplest form, the digital oilfield allows companies to do more with less. It integrates technology, data, and processes to help companies leverage existing resources (people) more effectively, make better-informed decisions, increase operational efficiency, maximize recovery, and decrease HSE risk. The goal is straightforward – companies can visualize reserves more clearly; optimize drilling, completions and production plans; and manage operations more efficiently – but the reality and implementation are not. read more…
Predict Trouble Stages Using Rock and Frac Data
Integrating Rock Properties and Fracture Treatment Data to Help Optimize Completions Design
In case you missed this paper on the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) OnePetro website, a team of experts from Hawkwood Energy, FractureID, and Well Data Labs describe how engineers can optimize their completions design by using a multivariate approach to understand unique rock types and their impact on completion responses.
In this study of six Eagle Ford wells, proprietary high-resolution geomechanical data captured at the drill bit using FractureID’s Drillbit Geomechanics™ technology and high-frequency fracture treatment data were standardized, QC’ed, normalized, and analyzed using Well Data Labs’ frac data management and analysis platform. The approach combined critical rock properties, high-frequency fracture treatment data including treating pressures, rates, and fluid and proppant volumes, and a fast-analytical methodology to analyze the geomechanical and completions database. read more…
TPH Energy Tech Research
Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. released today their most recent Energy Tech Company Spotlight – and it was about us! We love hearing from our customers about how we help them solve problems that only good completions data can solve, but we also love hearing what leading energy analysts think about the coming “thriving digital ecosystem.” Follow the link below to read more about how we are building a bridge between pressure pumpers and operators as a format-agnostic frac data management platform.
Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. Equity Research – Energy Tech Research Company Spotlight
Data Frequency: Every Second Matters
Data Resolution – Why is it important?
New software is allowing companies to capture and store more granular data than ever. In O&G, specially in completions operations, some of the most detailed data is acquired off field equipment at a one-second level. These operations generate gigantic files that usually end up sitting on an operator’s share drive and rarely used, yet they have an immense potential for answering challenging questions.
Although data is considered the oil of the digital era, more data does not automatically translate into better analysis. Anyone who has opened a post-frac one-second CSV knows this all too well. Quality data delivery has not historically been a priority in completion jobs and has resulted in a mishmash of static post-job reports and unknown-quality one second data. Analyzing a pressure signal using static reports or data with the wrong frequency can not only be misleading, but also time-consuming and tedious. In addition to the lack of consistency among vendors, hydraulic fracturing pressure data is subject to several limitations. Some of these include signal interference introduced by wellbore geometry, rate variations, fracturing fluid composition, and low sampling frequency. read more…
Well Data Labs enters into Technology Alliance with IHS Markit
Well Data Labs and IHS Markit announced a new technology alliance this week during SPE’s Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference in The Woodlands, TX. The technology alliance seeks to integrate Well Data Labs’ completions data application with IHS Markit’s engineering and geoscience software platforms.

Connect the Well Data Labs API and Spotfire using TERR
Guest Post by Julie Schellberg with Big Mountain Analytics
Just before the Holidays, I released a Spotfire template on built in collaboration with Well Data Labs, creators of a modern web application built to manage, analyze, and report completions data. Well Data Labs believes their customers and partners should be able to easily integrate data between applications using RESTful APIs, allowing custom analysis without the level of friction seen in many oil field analysis projects. read more…

Visualizing the Big (data) Picture
For many operators, it seems like the well is a baton handed off from the drilling team to the completions team to the production team. Each group has their own tools, their own questions, and their own ideas about what makes for a quality well. But at the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is the performance of the well itself – is it producing or not?
I’ve been reading more and more articles with the same thesis: as the amount of data collected on unconventional plays increases, it can be used to build advanced analytics that drive towards successful wells. But this data only really begins to be meaningful when it is interconnected with other big data sets. True data integration across teams has an immense potential for answering challenging questions about the relationship between the decisions made at each stage of a well’s life and its performance.
Well Data Labs awarded $250,000 Advanced Industries Accelerator Grant
The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) announced more than $3 million in grants to 15 Colorado companies, including $250,000 to Well Data Labs, Inc. The non-dilutive grant will support Well Data Labs’ growth as a SaaS solution supporting the oil and gas industry.
“This Advanced Industries Accelerator Grant offers us an opportunity to further scale Well Data Labs and position our product as a leader in oil and gas analytics software,” said Josh Churlik, Well Data Labs’ co-founder and CEO.